I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. I have so many things to be thankful for that I forgot to do a post about them. Go figure!
Anyway, I didn't have any turkey for Thanksgiving but I had something even better. I'm not going to tell you what is was so you have to head on over to the 1,000 Pugs SYOP Contest to view my entry. Trust me - it won't gross you out but it may freak your peeps out.
Momma has been super busy, but last Tuesday her and Daddy went out to do some pre-holiday shopping. Momma doesn't like crowds and refuses to go anywhere near the stores at this time of year unless absolutely necessary. So off to the stores they went while I stayed home and vacuumed. Just kidding! I was sound asleep while they spent all my treat money buying a humidifier, winter coats, and a mystery box.
"Momma! I need to get my beauty sleep. Why did you wake me up to show me a dumb old box?"
"WHAT? It's for me? What is it?"
Of course, Momma wouldn't tell me what was in the box so I decided to sniff around it to determine if there was food in it.
"Smells delicious! I think it's a giant bully stick! Open it, please!"
"What's that, Momma? Take a closer look?"
"Um, okay. There's something pink sticking out of the box. What does this mean?"
Momma wouldn't open the box so I guess I'll have to sit here until she decides to do so. I've determined that whatever is in the box is not edible. That's not to say that I don't want it; I want whatever it is since it's pink.
If you have any idea what could be in the box please let me know. The suspense is killing me!